Tag: eco-friendly home

  • Chris Hemsworth: Redefining the Modern Blacksmith

    Chris Hemsworth: Redefining the Modern Blacksmith

    Chris Hemsworth: The Modern Blacksmith When we think of the term blacksmith, we often picture a burly man with a hammer and anvil. However, Chris Hemsworth has redefined what it means to be a modern blacksmith. Best known for his acting roles in Marvel’s Thor franchise, Hemsworth is also passionate about metalworking and forging. Growing…

  • Chris Hemsworth: The Modern Day Blacksmith

    Chris Hemsworth: The Modern Day Blacksmith

    Chris Hemsworth: The Modern Day Blacksmith When we think of blacksmiths, we often envision a rugged man wearing a leather apron and wielding a hammer in front of a blazing hot furnace. However, the world of blacksmithing has evolved with time and it is not exclusive to only men anymore. In fact, one celebrity that…

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